Illuminating Late-Stage Feminine Expression
A four-session virtual practice group for women at late stages of awareness.
By invitation or referral.
Sorry, but registration is closed because the group is full for the October/November 2023 series.
We will gladly add your name to the waiting and mailing lists.
What is Late Stage Feminine Expression?
What is late-stage feminine being, sensing and expression? Is this way of being and perceiving fully visible and expressed in late-stage, global discourse and throughout human consciousness?
In this four-session series, we invite you to join us to collectively sense into the possibility and potential of greater liberation, visibility and expression of the late-stage feminine perspective in human consciousness and in global structures.
What Prevents Greater Visibility of Late-Stage Feminine Expression?
For millennia, human social structures and belief systems across domains of politics, education, economics, science, culture, history, religion and business have been dominated primarily by a masculine perspective.
Dissolving these historical constructs back into Awareness Itself and sensing into the Source of all – what might it be like to illuminate the expression of a late stage feminine awareness and energy in the world?
Can the liberation of the Feminine Transform Collective Consciousness?
How might we take radical responsibility as a node for transformation to illuminate the fierce love and power of the feminine perspective through sensing into the freedom and fullness of the enlightened feminine that has always been available, and is always emerging?
Join us in this collective discovery of who we are and how we might transform feminine expression for the good of humanity.
Our intention in this series is to illuminate and give expression to the evolving, late-stage feminine perspective — for the good of humanity. This series is open to women who hold a metaware (construct aware or later) perspective. For more information on later stages – follow this link.
Together we will relax into Awareness Itself and sense from Clear Light and Love through embodied presence. Rather than engaging in intellectual discussion or emotional processing, we will continually dissolve together into clear freedom and fullness to discover what is possible for feminine expression in the world.
From a released attachment to any personal agenda, you are invited to bring the uniqueness and beauty of your own wisdom, experience and perspective to help us reveal the potential and power of feminine being, sensing and seeing. These four sessions will be a collective discovery. Please join us!
Registration is Closed
Sorry, but the October/November 2023 series group is full. We will gladly add your name to our waiting and mailing lists.
Convened and Facilitated by:

Tamara Androsoff
As an integral coach and psychotherapist in Auckland, New Zealand, Tamara is passionate about facilitating the waking up and growing up of individuals, couples and groups. She is also senior faculty and coach for the Generating Transformative Change Program in the South Pacific and the online Emergent Leader program.

Tara DeNuccio
Tara accompanies individuals and small groups who seek a fuller embodied experience of life. Portals to presence – body, breath, and mind – are explored. Relationship to self, others and the world is attended to – freer of conditioning. New possibilities open, as habit patterns are relaxed and released to the Source power and vitality of Awareness.

Melissa Ransdell
Melissa helps individuals and groups discover clarity and simplicity through a down-to-earth approach. Through her evolving consulting and collaboration practice, she offers a late-stage perspective to inform and orient leaders, systems, and organizations toward the expanding potential and possibilities available in each moment.

Venita Ramirez
Venita creates and facilitates spaces for individuals and groups to relax their mind and body, bring awareness to their felt sense of aliveness, and awaken to a more vital way of being human. She especially enjoys supporting late stage individuals to enjoy a deeper refinement of peace, happiness, and wholeness.